I know, I know, we're only human. We all make mistakes. Everyone's been known to lie or cheat or steal (only for a good reason, of course). At times we're devious or lazy. Sometimes greedy. Vindictive, too.
Given our shortcomings, I ask you this: is it fair to demand higher standards from our elected officials than we might impose on regular folk like you and me? Here's my answer: it's more than fair; it's self-evident common sense to hold out for brain-power and high ethical standards from politically-inspired individuals who climb into the public arena and vie for the prize of holding the public welfare in the palm of their hands.
You look for professional standards and expertise from a dentist, don't you? from your trainer at the gym? the butcher at Vons? Does it make sense to accept anything less from your elected politicians who have the power to shape, improve, or make a mess of your daily lives and surroundings?
You'd prefer them to be hard-working, conscientious, open-minded, practical, and honest, right? To honor their responsibilities as public servants, no? To surround themselves with trustworthy and intelligent advisors who respect the welfare of the public, true? To be a cut above the least among us, yes?
So how come we countenance moronic
decisions that purport to be in the best interests of San Diego’s
1.3 million residents but, in reality, stick a thumb in the public eye?